MAPLETON – The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 had an immediate and lasting impact on operations of the local Seniors Centre for Excellence, says program coordinator Helen Edwards.
Community News
Minto seeking clarity around boundaries from official plan review
MINTO – Council here wants to see clear policies around urban boundary expansion emerge from an ongoing review of the County of Wellington Official Plan.
County of Wellington launches picnic initiative
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Residents and visitors are being invited to discover picnic spots and food options with the help of an initiative launched by the County of Wellington.
Don McPhail served community as mayor, firefighter and service club member
MINTO – Don McPhail, a past mayor of the former Town of Harriston, died on July 26 at the Palmerston and District Hospital at the age of 90.
Youth hub set to host plant night
PALMERSTON – The Grove Palmerston Hub (formerly known as the Integrated Youth Services Network) is planning to host a plant night for young people between the ages of 12 and 26.
Farmers and agri-food businesses in Perth-Wellington receive CAP funds
PERTH-WELLINGTON - Federal and provincial governments are investing $7.3 million through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to help support farmers and agri-food businesses.
Wellington North retired fire chief Dave Guilbault presented with 45-year service bar
Service recognition – Retired fire chief Dave Guilbault from Wellington North was recently…
Here Comes Trouble: latest book from Clifford area children’s author
CLIFFORD - Connie Gibson Murray released Here Comes Trouble the third children’s book in her Nana Murray series, here on, July 25.
Drayton Rotary Club making plans for return of Cruise Nights this fall
Rotary Cruise Nights – The Drayton Rotary Club is making plans for a return of its popular Cruise…
Second Digging the Deals and Strolling the Streets event set for Aug. 7
Downtown deals in Minto – Minto downtown areas in Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston will be…
Allan Street project underway
CLIFFORD - Another round of construction in Clifford is underway. Allan Street East will be under construction from July 26 to October.
Non-anxious presence
We just got back last evening from an 11 day vacation at the family cottage. For three of those…
Conestogo Lake Car Rally honours those who lost their lives on the water
DRAYTON – Area residents drove an assortment of vehicles to the PMD Arena on July 31 to participate in the inaugural Conestogo Lake Car Rally.
County invites stakeholder input on Flax Bridge EA
MAPLETON – The County of Wellington is inviting input from stakeholders on a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the Flax Bridge on Wellington Road 11.
Shine Your Light Sunflower Tour to raise funds for Palmerston hospital
MAPLETON – The second Shine Your Light Sunflower Tour will take place Aug. 14. This year's event will also feature a two, five or 10 km run/walk option.