CANADA DAY 2010: Celebrate July 1 at McCrae House with historic military flair

Canada Day celebrations return to McCrae House on July 1. 

Once again, the museum of­fers numerous military displays and demonstrations, great musical entertainment, High­land and Irish dancing, outdoor games, and, of course, birthday cake.

Festivities begin at noon and run until 4pm – rain or shine. Admission is by dona­tion. Organizers invite everyone to visit and experi­ence the unique Canada Day event.

Starting off at noon, Doug Larson will entertain with stories and music featuring the Guelph guitar, an instrument he created from various materials significant to Guelph. Through­out the afternoon, enjoy High­land and Irish dancing with stud­ents from the Mary Ellen Cann School of Highland Dance and Tir Na Nog Dance Academy.

Groups featured in this year’s celebrations include the recreated 20th Battalion Cana­dian Expeditionary Force (1914-1919) and Recreated Lin­coln Welland Regiment, whose displays will include First World War and Second World War military artifacts and uniforms.

The 41st Regi­ment of Foot will recreate an 1812 encamp­ment and present a musketry demonstration. The 10th Loui­si­ana Civil War re-enactors and the Hamilton 23rd Field Am­bulance will also set up camps. The John McCrae Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, the 11th Field Regiment, 1882 Wellington Rifles – Royal Cana­dian Army Cadet Corps, NLCC #34 Achilles Navy Cadets will also be partici­pating.

Visitors can take part in creating home-front crafts with the Canadian Embroiderers Guild of Guelph, meet with author Gabriele Wills, check out the selection of Canadian mili­tary books at the Laurier Centre for Military and Strate­gic Disarmament Studies table and try out some historic games such as stilts and quoits. There will be lots of activities for the entire family.

McCrae House is located at 108 Water Street. Contact Guelph Museums at 519-836-1221 or visit­museum for more information. Guelph Civic Museum, 6 Dublin Street South, will be closed July 1.

