United Way announces goal of $2.7-million

With a full house at the Community Resource Centre on Sept. 21, the United Way of Guelph and Well­ington kicked-off its  annual fund­raising campaign in the county by announ­cing a goal of $2.7-million in 2010.

The campaign is the largest in Wellington County, with donations supporting local soc­ial and human health services. In 2010, United Way donations are funding 77 Wellington and Guelph programs.

Campaign chairman Marva Wisdom called on residents to continue the generosity they have shown in the past.

Executive Director Ken Dardano introduced Wisdom, and said, “She brings a lot of passion to the job.”

Wisdom told the packed room  she had given some thought to what she would wear to the campaign opener, but that got her thinking there are many people who do not have the luxury of thinking what they will wear.

She said someone released from Homewood is more interested in where he might live and from where his next meal is coming. A woman seeking shelter from abuse is more concerned about safety for her kids and herself than she is about what she is wearing when she is forced to visit a shelter to escape abuse at home.

Wisdom said that is where the huge number of helping groups from the United Way comes in, but they cannot operate without money. The United Way campaign helps to provide for those needs.

“Our community has a wonderful tradition of helping those in need,”  said Wisdom. “I’m confident that we will see that great level of support again this year.”

This year’s United Way goal is an increase of $50,000 over 2009’s target of $2.65-million.

Dardano is excited about the campaign, even while acknowledging there have been some tough economic times to face in the past year.

“It’s a hard reality, but despite the bounce-back in the economy, we are still seeing increasing demands for all of the programs we fund,” he said.

“We’ll be asking our donors to dig deeper and new donors to step up to the plate to support critical programs that are used by their friends and neighbours every day.”

County Warden and Centre ­Wellington Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said last year county staff raised $42,000 for the United Way and, “This year, they want to better that. We need to be a positive force.”

Ross-Zuj said the part­ner­ship of agencies working together makes a big difference for a lot of people.

She added of county staff, “They’re hoping they make a difference in your lives.”

She added that Centre Wellington Township staff are also going to be participants in the campaign.

“Thank you so much for all of your work,” she said to representatives of the agencies that had gathered for the opening. There are nearly 50 agencies that are aided by the campaign, including the Centre Wellington Food Bank, Guelph Wellington Seniors Asso­ci­ation, the Fergus-Elora Branch of St. John Ambulance, and North Wellington Seniors Asso­ciation to name a few.

Ron MacKinnon, executive director of the Community Resource Centre, said “When I think of the United Way and social services in general, I think of people. The United Way does a fabulous job of meeting the needs of people.”

The Community Resource Centre in Fergus receives $95,000 from the United Way to support its outreach and sup­port program, and information and referral service.

The United Way campaign runs until the end of November. Donations are accepted through many workplaces in the county, and through the United Way office (519-821-0571 or www.unitedwayguelph.com.

