Town gets new federal services

Fed­eral government services and programs just got closer to Wellington County.

The county held a ceremony July 4 to launch the Service Canada Portal now available at the Mount Forest Library branch.

“The government of Canada has identified the Mount Forest Library as a prime location for Service Canada assistance,” explained Wellington County Warden John Green. “Resi­dents of the area will no longer have to drive to surrounding ur­ban areas to complete applica­tion forms for Employment Insurance, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, Social In­surance Numbers, Birth Reg­is­trations, etc.”

Information, heritage and seniors committee chairman Brad Whit­combe added, “Libraries already act as key information centres in their communities. By providing ac­cess to government services via the Service Canada Portal, the Mount Forest Library is truly a community hub.”

Welling­ton North Mayor Mike Broom­head said, “Having the Service Canada Portal in Mount Forest will allow local residents to have their applications processed without having to travel long dis­tances. This location will make services and programs much more accessible to the com­mu­nity.”

Chief Librarian Janice Hind­­ley added, “Staff have been trained by Service Canada on how to access websites, navi­gate government information and complete online applica­tion forms via our public access computers located in the Mount Forest Library. Our staff will be on hand to offer one-on-one as­sis­tance and answer questions.”

The library is located at  118 Main Street North in Mount Forest.

