WELLINGTON COUNTY – Confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) region have risen to 281.
The May 1 update on the WDGPH website indicates there have been 22 deaths in the region and 102 resolves cases.
Broken down geographically, the stats show:
- Wellington County has 46 cases, 21 resolved cases and two deaths;
- Guelph, 110 cases, 40 resolved cases and five deaths; and
- Dufferin County, 118, 40 resolved cases and 15 deaths.
Public health’s institutional outbreak update on May 1 showed no change in Wellington County.
There remains three long-term care facility outbreaks in the county: Caressant Care in Fergus (one resident), Royal Terrace in Palmerston (one resident) and Strathcona in Mount Forest (one staff member).
Several Guelph facilities showed an increase in cases, while outbreaks at Homewood Health Centre (14 patients, six staff) and St. Joseph’s Health Centre (one patient, six staff, one death) were declared over.
An outbreak at Headwaters Health Care Centre in Orangeville was declared over last week.
WDGPH officials provided an update to county council on April 30 that indicated thousands of people in the region could die if physical distancing requirements are lifted too early. For an article on that presentation, click here.
The latest case data from Wellington County is shown below.

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