MOUNT FOREST – Putting smiles on the faces of kids who are going through a difficult experience is the goal behind a project started a couple of years ago by a member of the Mount Forest Lions Club.
“I have unfortunately lost two cousins fairly young to childhood cancer and have always wanted to do something honouring them,” club member Crystal Steffler told the Advertiser in an email.
It was the desire to honour her cousins that prompted her to start the childhood cancer blanket project in 2022, collecting homemade blankets to donate to hospitals to provide comfort to children undergoing cancer treatment.
“In my first year, we were able to donate 23 blankets,” said Steffler.
The project soon became a community project and expanded to include other Lions Clubs in the district, she said, noting that by the following year, the number of blanket donations had grown exponentially to 153.
“We thought 153 was great, until 2024 came around,” Steffler said.
Last year, 350 blankets were donated, bringing the total collected over three years to more than 525.
The club is also now collecting homemade stuffed animals, and the blankets and stuffies end up making their way across the province. Some have been donated to Ronald McDonald House in Hamilton, others have gone to hospitals in London and as far away as the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.
Some have also been delivered to hospitals closer to home, such as Guelph General Hospital and Grand River Hospital.
“This is something close to my heart and I am going to keep it going,” said Steffler.
She said she and her partner were able to visit three childhood cancer camps in Ontario, and were moved by the experience.
“To see the smiles on these kids’ faces made our hearts sing,” she said.
And a message the Lions Club received through Facebook let her know the blankets are appreciated.
“My son has not let go of his blanket since he received it at camp,” Steffler said the message stated. “It’s his security on those days of treatment.”
The most recent donation went to Grand River Hospital on Dec. 20, but the Lions collect donations for the projects throughout the year.
Donations of new blankets and quilts, but also fabric, are welcome from the community, said Steffler.
“It all goes to these young kids who are facing a life-changing battle,” she said.
Those interested in being involved in the project can reach out to Steffler via email at or by calling 519-827-6075.