There were no crystal balls, but clearly Puslinch residents are ready to stake a claim in looking…
CLASSY LANE STABLES FIRE: Project to assist grooms
The Standardbred Race Track Chaplaincy has started a project for trainers in need of grooms and for…
CLASSY LANE STABLEs FIRE: Owners plan to rebuild barn
Classy Lanes Stables owners Jamie and Barb Millier plan to rebuild the horse barn destroyed by…
CLASSY LANE STABLES FIRE: Total losses may surpass $6 million
"It was devastating for staff and emotionally taxing and physically exhausting for everyone on the…
CLASSY LANE STABLEs FIRE: Final report likely still months away
While investigators from the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office wrapped up their on-site investigation…
CLASSY LANE STABLEs FIRE: GoFundMe pages raise $252,014
Just nine days after the Jan. 4 barn fire at Classy Lanes Stables, fundraising campaigns had…
Roth: Recreation centre ice pad underutilized
Puslinch councillor Ken Roth wants to find ways to better use the Optimist Recreation Centre ice…
Morriston Bypass Coalition would like province to move project ahead to current year
While Morriston is hoping to have the Highway 6 Bypass Highway Infrastructure Project in 2016, as…
Truck fire
Puslinch Fire and Rescue Services responded to a transport truck and trailer fire at a business on…
Uptegrove named Training Officer of Year
Puslinch fire captain John Uptegrove is the 2015 Ontario Training Officer of the Year. In…