With any luck, major resident concerns with the state of Water Street here should be solved by the…
Centre Wellington
Studio tour
Centre Wellington artists held their first holiday season studio show and sale on Dec. 13. Elora…
Bantam AE Fusion against Halton Hills Thunder
On Dec. 1, Fusion travelled to battle the Halton Hills…
U-12 PP Preditors
The Meineke U-12 PP Predators went 4-0 in the round robin De. 12 in the Pickering Ringette…
Centre Wellington $9-million capital budget passed in 4-3 vote
Centre Wellington's $9-million 2016 capital budget has been approved - but just…
Celtic spin
An enthusiastic crowd celebrated the Christmas season in Celtic style at the Fergus Grand Theatre…
Serious moment
Three-year-old Riley Simpson looked pretty serious about sharing her Christmas wish list with Santa…
Photos with Santa
The Fergus Lions Club offered "Photos with Santa" recently at the Sportsplex in Fergus. Posing with…
Northern Lights Canada new company name reflects enhanced services
In the spirit of embracing change, Northern Lights Canada has turned the page on its story to start…
The Elora Fergus U-16 AA Ringette team brings home gold from Ottawa. The girls went undefeated in…