Dear Editor: RE: Carbon, competitiveness, Dec. 20. In reading this recent open letter, I was…
‘Intellectually bereft’
Dear Editor: Who does Centre Wellington council represent? The recent decision by council to…
‘Stunning disregard’
Dear Editor: At its Dec. 18 meeting Centre Wellington council decided to opt out of allowing retail…
‘Why not here?’
Dear Editor: We have to go to Guelph … really? I thought we were promoting local. You know,…
Dear Editor: Kudos to Centre Wellington councillor Kirk McElwain for stating the obvious –…
‘Future ready’?
Dear Editor: RE: Erin approves bid for 3 major strategic plan studies, Dec 13. Many residents of…
‘Financial inequities’
Dear Editor: RE: Last week’s editorial (Largesse and apathy, Jan. 3). Thanks for the wake-up…
‘Feeble attempt’
Dear Editor: The editorial by Chris Daponte (Largesse and apathy, Jan. 3) was right on the money.…
‘Willful neglect’
Dear Editor: With its proposal to create Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, our…
Defending MP
Dear Editor: RE: Sound of silence, Jan. 3. In a recent letter, Peter van Vloten took umbrage with…
Sound of silence?
Dear Editor: Silence can speak volumes. I recently received a 2019 calendar from our MP Michael…
Bad Bill
Dear Editor: I am writing to express serious concerns about the Ontario Government’s proposed…
Carbon, competitiveness
An open letter to federal transport minister Marc Garneau. As I understand it from the Canadian…
‘Gender’ gaffes?
Dear Editor: An open letter to the “peoplekind” of Canada. Please beware of male construction…
Rockwood rocks
Dear Editor: I just want to say what an amazing time we had on Dec. 13 at the Parade of Lights in…