Dollars and zenns don’t mix at council

A nay vote at Wellington North council means the township offers no support of Zenn electric cars that are produced in Toronto – but not allowed to operate on Ontario roads.

On Monday, council re­viewed a request by Hilliard Township asking for support of the vehicles for use in Ontario.

The correspondence noted that the car has been produced for the past 10 years, but sold only in the United States. The cars have a maximum speed of 50km/hour and can be fully charged in six hours. The cost of a full charge is about a $1.

Hilliard asked that Well­ington North to lobby the province to take the same stance as Quebec, which allows the vehicles to be licenced.

“I want one,” said councillor Bob Mason said.

Councillor Ross Chaulk asked if the vehicle is supposed to be “the next zenn-eration.”

While he supports the concept of electric vehicles, he opposed allowing such low-speed vehicles on local roads.

Chaulk and councillor Dan Yake opposed the resolution.

Chaulk later said there may be a place someday for electric vehicles, but he is concerned that slow vehicles on provincial highways could create angry drivers.

Yake added that since Que­bec has already taken the licencing on as a pilot project, the wise thing would be to wait to see how things turn out there.

