Damascus WI completed various projects

On Feb. 11 members of the Damascus Women’s Institute gathered at the Damascus community hall armed with knitting needles, crochet hooks, sewing needles and pins, scissors, fabric, yarn, sewing ma­chine and a craft project. 

These projects included quilt tops, afghan, window sill doilies, baby bonnets, quilted runner and quilt binding.

The morning was spent working on these crafts mixed with conversation.

After the business portion of the meeting roll call “bring a craft in disguise” was answer­ed depicting the talents of the group.

Items included quilts and quilt tops being made for grandchildren, a quilted table cloth, crochet afghan, embroidered dresser scarf, crewel embroidered picture, handpainted jewellery, a reversible vest put together with buttons and buttonholes instead of sewn seams at the shoulder and underarm and homemade pump­kin muffins which we all sampled.


