Widespread, financial turmoil dominated the recent presidential election in the United States.…
The culture of consumer spending
Too few of us realize what scientists call the “stress beginnings” of contemporary…
Guelph businessmen failed to support their own railway
Back in 1999, this column described the events that led to the opening of the Guelph Junction…
Hillsburgh men passed counterfeit money in 1864
Only the very oldest readers of this column will remember the time when the Canadian chartered…
Motor cars have driven on county roads for over century
Many local history buffs look forward to the publication every spring of Wellington County…
The first big breath of fresh air that our environment has seen in a long time is the collapse of…
1925 tornado cut a swath across Eramosa Township
Every summer brings the danger of tornadoes. Wellington County has suffered from some severe ones,…
Nowhere but in Canada has the word equality been more used, more abused, more misunderstood and…
Gone missing
“Harry has disappeared,” mother said. The hesitation in her voice and tiny quiver in…
Clawback I
It came, through the magic of email, from someone who has reason to be deeply concerned. It stems…
Praising deserving women
You all read or saw media reports about Kimberly Munley, who shot the Fort Hood gunman. Mighty…
One week before Christmas
At age 8, I awaken and wiggle my head free from quilts and blankets. As the covers settle, I feel a…
Growth and profit from environmental technology is long overdue
Canadian manufacturers have been hammered by the recession, in large part because of the cutbacks…
Carry trade: Those in charge for the last recession are at it again
Classical Greek tragedies culminated always in a disaster. The authors’ mindsets were the…
It all depends
What happens in China will have a profound impact on Canada’s business. Events in that Asian…