We have already had the lecture at home about open water and puddles. Another year or two will…
Big boys do cry
The latest victim of the war in Afghanistan is Gunner Jonathan Dion whose body will have arrived…
Around the corner
We hope readers will be recharging a bit. Christmas dinners are over and New Year’s Eve is…
Hurting – we can help
On the way back from North Carolina last week we marveled again at the extent of advertising on…
All it takes is a motion
It’s funny. The democratic system Canadians choose to love or hate, boils down to one simple…
The notion of perfection
We have noted over time many occasions where the old ways of doing things might not be so bad…
The new way
In 2004, our county reporter came back to the office with some exciting News. Finally, county…
Hero worshiping
Almost a decade ago, we had a short conversation with a sales manager at a competing publication…
Bath tub vigil
The air was crisp and flakes of snow fell like floating leaves on a calm fall day. The storm was…
Reporter commentary: Support for towers growing
It appears things are changing when it comes to public opinion on communication towers. Gone, for…
No real winner
Much has been made of the cross border shopping issue. With the Canadian dollar at parity or better…
Website update
It seems a short lifetime ago that a fellow from Moorefield dropped by our old office to talk about…
Great News for kids
Ken Elder must have been smiling ear to ear when confirmation from the Woolwich Agricultural…
Too close for comfort
The News department at the Wellington Advertiser is inundated every day with press releases to…
Bought us once again
There was a time for us that trickle-down economics and tax cuts were great concepts we readily…