According to recent polling by Nanos Research, nearly three-quarters of those Canadians polled were…
Grumpy old guy or concerned citizen?
One of the tell-tale signs of getting older is the propensity to get a little grumpy as the world…
A chance to speak
Even in death his words are heard. The story is one of the sadder ones we’ve watched and read…
Time to fix some roads
There was a time we made it our business to travel every nook and cranny in Guelph-Eramosa…
Hey neighbour
We don?t tend to publish silhouetted photos and stories with anonymous sources. It?s not…
Rare honesty
It is not very often that a politician will admit to poor choices, let alone characterize a choice…
New site launches this week
The latest chapter in our on-line efforts takes flight this week. Our local designers have worked…
Is profit bad?
A mood is emerging that for-profit enterprises are at the core of problems facing the world today.…
The latest addiction
There’s trouble brewing at a kitchen table near you. The trouble doesn’t stop there,…
Redemption and renewal
One of the greater observances while getting older is how much things change and how quickly…
A New Years message: Appreciate every day
As we say goodbye to 2011 and turn the page to Jan. 1, revelry will surely ensue. It’s the…
Merry Christmas, of course
Our publisher was stopped last week in town and quizzed if we would be wishing people a Happy…
Teamwork is the key
The majority of Wellington’s Santa Claus parades have already wound their way through busy…
We can buy a goat
One of the more satisfying elements of parenting is hearing how easily kids can simplify the…
Standing watch
There was a time on the concessions and side roads in this county that a strange vehicle would…