The housing industry, which is so important for Canada’s economy, is on a kind of death…
Canada’s Business
Marketing mania
Most of us know that when we endorse the back of a cheque, we assume responsibility for that…
Good teachers
There really is no more important profession than teaching, which is so essential for our future…
Alarm bells
Recently-released economic statistics should trigger alarm bells in Canada. Our nation’s…
A nightmare?
Every now and then some commentators come up with a nightmare scenario where technology displaces a…
A precarious economy
Something un-Canadian has been happening to our economy. Hitherto we have been known for our…
Robin Hood economics
From time immemorial a popular proposal of politicians is to “soak” the rich. It…
The new power centre
Formerly of course the chief executive of a corporation was the leading spokesperson, always in the…
An enduring register
A great number of investment “experts” deride gold. They cite the fact that it pays no…
Irrational voters
After some recent elections, it appears that our politicians think that voters are irrational. From…
Bigger is not better
Until recently in Canada and the United States, the bigger retailers had a dominant share of the…
A bad experiment
Throughout the credit world a new development has appeared, the rising employment of derivatives.…
A science academy
Currently we lack a science academy, something so beneficial for economic progress. Canada has…
Missed the bus
In early 1940, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stupidly proclaimed that Hitler…
Our manufacturing industry is spiralling down, but unfortunately too few recognize that it is an…