A one-time church in Palmerston may soon find new life as a café and a home. Minto…
Cost of burials no longer dirt cheap?
Recent increases might have some residents thinking the cost of being put in the ground has…
Palmerstons Old 81 engine celebrates 100th anniversary in grand style with weekend celebration
It was not just a splash bash – but a birthday bash celebrating the 100th birthday of the Old…
Actors resemblance to silver screens legendary gangster led to Cagney
"You dirty rat" James Cagney never said that famous line, and Cagney sets the audience…
Local studio tour continues to expand
The Elora Fergus Studio tour launched its brochure for the big event this fall, and it is clear…
Last call for camp participants
The Ontario Harness Racing Youth Camp program will present a four-day camp at Grand River Raceway…
West Luthers 4H field crops club underway
The West Luther 4-H field crops club held its third meeting on June 21 at Shawridge Farms…
What caused one of the world’s greatest financial disasters of all time?
As the two-year anniversary of the fall of Lehman Brothers approaches and stories of the global…
Centre Wellington to purchase Templin Gardens
Templin Gardens now belongs to the residents of Centre Wellington, after council approved a…
Township to seek loans, grant for sewage treatment plant, water tower
Centre Wellington council approved two infrastructure measures on Monday night, with…
Councillors still arguing over budget passed two months ago
Two Puslinch councillors again lobbied for reconsideration of the township’s 2010 budget…
Minimum standards challenge causes major headaches
Municipalities across the province could find themselves mired in lawsuits should a challenge…
Township likely to hire expert to look after MURF rink this winter
While grateful to the Optimist Club of Puslinch for offering to manage and maintain the ice rink…
The difference only 100 farmers make to a commodity
In times of negative margins for farm commodities, smart farm managers turn their thoughts to…
Catholic board has $89.5-million budget
The Wellington Catholic District School Board has approved its 2010-11 budget. The annual…