GUELPH – Mohawk musician Logan Staats will debut new songs when he performs at Royal City Mission for Hillside Inside on Jan. 31.
Arthur students practice French with chef Susanne Thériault-Golds
WELLINGTON NORTH – Students at St. John Catholic School in Arthur practiced French, baked cookies, played music and learned about Métis history during an interactive lesson from Susanne Thériault-Golds on Jan. 22.
Flight centre hosts aviation night Jan. 30
WATERLOO – The Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre (WWFC) announces its inaugural High School Aviation Night, an event designed to inspire Grade 11 and 12 students to pursue a career in aviation.
Elora Community Theatre auditions open Jan. 29
CENTRE WELLINGTON – The Elora Community Theatre will be hosting auditions for its up and coming murder mystery dinner theatre entitled Murder at Mapleshade.
GrandWay Wedding Experience in Elora on Jan. 26
ELORA – Dozens of young couples attended the GrandWay Wedding Experience on Jan. 26.
Annual bishop’s dinner raises nearly $30,000
GUELPH – The Wellington Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) raised almost $30,000 for local community organizations at its annual Bishop’s Dinner for Community Needs on Oct. 10.
Annual Guelph Organic Conference came to U of G
GUELPH – The annual Guelph Organic Conference was held at the University of Guelph over four days with over 40 guest speakers and over 100 organic exhibitors.
Puslinch contemplates 18-unit development in Morriston
PUSLINCH – The township has received an application to build 18 residential lots on Main Street in Morriston.
Aboyne Rural Hospice gets stamp of approval
ABOYNE – Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae announced on Jan. 27 that funding for the Aboyne Rural Hospice facility has been approved by the Ministry of Health.
SIU concludes investigation of altercation at Acton Fall Fair
ACTON – A 54-year-old man left the Acton Fall Fair with a brain bleed and a fractured skull, following an interaction with police. The SIU has concluded there is no reasonable grounds to believe any officers involved committed a criminal offence during the interaction.
Police, Women in Crisis educate public on sex trafficking
GUELPH – In an information session hosted at Guelph Police Service headquarters on Jan. 20, Det. Sgt. James Graham and Cindy McMann from Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis gave a lengthy presentation on sex trafficking.
Cyclists come together for Be*Spoke: A Festival About Bikes
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Cyclists from Centre Wellington’s Green Lanes came together with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington (BBBSCW), Guelph Tool Library’s Free Hub and Kitchener’s Red Raccoon Bike Rescue for Be*Spoke: A Festival About Bikes on Jan. 25.
Staff recommend boundaries for Fergus, Elora, Salem elementary schools
GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board is expecting to confirm the boundary for the new elementary school in Fergus at a board meeting Feb. 25.
Minto council supports efforts to improve legal system
MINTO – Council here supports the Town of Cobalt in its efforts to improve the current state of what it calls “catch and release” justice in the Ontario legal system.
Break-in victims may find stolen property with York police: OPP
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local police are asking break-in victims to check if their stolen items are among those recovered by a neighbouring police force.