The Business Improvement Area’s spring meeting here will be on March 9 from 7 to 9pm at…
Centre Wellington Chamber Events
NETWORKING BREAKFASTS Wednesday, March 30 – Grand River Raceway Vince Starratt will provide…
New Businesses Elora Home Hardware is now open at 6458 Wellington Road 7, Elora, (beside the Beer…
Nexans North America 100th history intertwined with Fergus community
Nexans, the world’s leading cable company, celebrates 100 years of delivering…
Awards of Excellence nomination deadline is fast approaching
It’s the time of year again when the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce looks for Awards…
Merchants hoping to work with company when Walmart comes to town
Within days of the announcement that a Walmart was coming to the north end of town, the chairman of…
Bank opening Sundays – only in large centres
Only in the larger centres. That was the message from Fergus TD Canada Trust bank manager Hugh…
Brian Kurtz Trucking: Local family business enjoying success, accolades
In the annals of family businesses in Wellington County, few ventures have been as successful as…
Invenergy sells wind farm back to earlier owner
The selling back of a proposed wind farm to an earlier owner has left opponents of the project…
Elora Farmers Market to move to Bissell Park as early as this May
It looks like the Elora Farmers Market will get a chance to grow this spring. On Monday, Centre…
Centre Wellington Business Directory now available
The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce and the Township of Centre Wellington are pleased to…
Advocating email marketing
Are you using Email marketing to close the deal? All too many website owners don’t realize…
Chamber Events
NETWORKING BREAKFASTS Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 – JJ’s Family Dining Carol Simpson…
Wellington County supports enhanced GO Transit through the local area
Wellington County supports enhanced GO Transit commuter rail service in the county. On Jan. 27…
Women of Wellington & Saugeen offer workshop in organization and time management
Looking to turn “A New Leaf” in 2011? The Women of Wellington & Saugeen Area are…