Last week our nation came together, united in observance of Remembrance Day. In Wellington-Halton…
Home truths
We are admonished almost chronically to cross the border for investing. That is one of those…
Dye laughing
What I’m about to tell you may shock you. It may even change your opinion of me. Here it…
Shopping is something that I have grown to dislike. It once was a sort of social thing, as most…
Ag rep suggested a campaign against jack rabbits in 1931
R.H. Clemens, the first agricultural representative appointed by the province for Wellington…
Snow tires
In hindsight, maybe it was cruel to tell the adolescent children I had their Christmas gift early…
Policy makers’ mess
A recent book by Martin Wolf, an esteemed commentator published in the London (England) Times,…
Winter wonderland
When I looked out of my window two days before sitting down to write this column, the sun was…
J.K. Blair caused furor with maiden speech in House of Commons
About 18 months ago this column featured an outline of the public career of Dr. J.K. Blair of…
Canadian Armed Forces members defend and protect Canada and Canadians at home and abroad. For their…
Slap shot
The hockey boards are up in the backyard, Christmas lights are strung on poles high above, and my…
Labour turbulence
Major changes are occurring in the labour market. There presently is a split between the secure,…
Mother nature
As I looked out my frost-spattered window this past morning the lifting fog whisps shadowed the…
Jack Tweddle of Fergus built up a major chicken hatchery
The name of Jack Tweddle of Fergus has appeared at least a half dozen times in this column, most…
Butter tarts
A couple of days ago, on checking my emails, one came to me from a years-and-years-ago friend,…