Youth council holds open house

Members of the Mapleton Youth Action Council (MYAC) held its first winter open house and meeting at the Drayton Library on Jan. 19.

The MYAC formed on Oct. 20, with Jaclyn Dingwall, Mapleton Township youth council coordinator, heading the organization. To date the council has held seven meetings with six active members in attendance.

The council is a youth program offering opportunities for civic engagement to youth volunteers aged 14 to 24 years who live, work or have an interest in the Township of Mapleton and issues that impact youth.

“Our goal to be as diverse as our youth population, with membership open to youth of all religions, abilities, ethnicities, culture, gender, sexualities and experiences,” Dingwall explained.

The organization’s vision is to establish a positive youth presence in Mapleton that shapes the growth and future of the community through meaningful youth participation.

MYAC’s mandate is to:

– provide youth with leadership opportunities that encourage personal growth;

– recognize and support the diversity of the community;

– advise Mapleton council and staff of opinions to promote positive change;

– coordinate special events for local youth; and

– advocate for youth issues by forging partnerships with community organizations

The MYAC is sponsored by Mapleton Township, which has the ability to review or change any decision made that does not reflect the values of the township.

Dingwall’s responsibility as coordinator is to provide support and guidance to the council in addressing its goals and missions.

Her role also involves scheduling meetings, monitoring financial responsibilities, leading in new member recruiting and advertising, maintaining official records and creating partnership and collaborations with key stakeholders.

The offices of chair and director of recruitment were filled for a one-year term at the open house. Julia Borges of Drayton assumed the role of chair. In addition to the work of a chair in meetings, Borges will ensure that the council is upholding its values, mandates and goals, along with supporting the group, leading by example and taking each task with enthusiasm and professionalism.

Newly-elected director of recruitment Tate Driscoll is responsible for attracting new members to enhance membership, ensuring a good foundation of members for the organization. Positions still needing to be filled include director of communications and outreach, and director of group dynamics.

In the later part of 2015 the council was part of a video conference with the Ontario Premiers Youth Council.  Along with other rural youth councils in Ontario, participants discussed issues of concern to  rural youth. A summary of the conference will be forwarded to all councils involved to use as resource material.

Chair Julia Borges said, “We as a council are excited to see where this council goes. To understand and advocate for youth issues is our focus. The council is not intended to be another youth group, but a liaison with youth, providing the resources they require. Our council will be working closely with the Town of Minto, once they have established their council.”

Youth interested in becoming a member of the MYAC are invited to contact Dingwall, at 519-638-3313 extension 21, email in advance or attend a meeting.  Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 6 to 7:30pm at the Drayton Library.

