Wintersinger concerned with fire reports

Although councillors here receive regular statistical reports from the Erin Fire and Emergency Services, councillor Josie Wintersinger is concerned with a lack of progress reports on the Hillsburgh Fire Station now under construction.

At the Nov. 1 council meeting, she said while there are regular activity reports, “We are not receiving any reports on the new building being put up.”

She felt councilors deserve additional information “for the simple reason we do not know what is going  on.”

She had no information, although she is aware of a slowdown at the project start. She asked if that cost the town money.

Mayor Lou Maieron asked if Wintersinger would appreciate a monthly report on the status of the department, or any changes.

Councillor Barb Tocher suggested if council makes a decision to move to regular meetings with department heads, that might not be needed.

Maieron however, suggested a monthly report on any project of that magnitude is warranted. He believes having reports would be a good start for meetings.

Wintersinger moved that monthly reports be brought to council.

Councillor John Brennan was reluctant to ask for monthly reports on specific issues. “I think we want a monthly report on all issues.”

Wintersinger sad she was seeking reports on the progress of the building.

Brennan said he did not want to see a report limited to one topic – such as a building.

“I would like to see the fire chief come to council to discuss all issues or activities.”

Brennan supported Wintersinger’s idea, but did not want it restricted to one issue.

Councillor Barb Tocher asked if those reports would not just be part of a meeting with department heads.

Councillor Deb Callaghan agreed with Tocher the purpose of the meetings is to get information.

Maieron said right now the town has nothing. He did not anticipate it taking the fire chief long to compile that information.

Wintersinger said the town has yet to decide on a format of when it will meet with department heads.

Tocher said she assumes council would be meeting with staff on the fourth Thursday in November and the fire chief would be there to provide a full report. “I don’t see the point of duplicating this – doing it twice.”

She cited previous council discussions if council would move to a committee structure or meet with department heads.

Maieron suggested part of the fire chief’s report should include an update on the hall.

Wintersinger’s motion asking for a separate monthly progress report on the Hillsburgh Fire Hall was defeated.

