ABOYNE – Residents at Wellington Terrace Long-Term Care Home received their second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Feb. 8.
“This is a significant milestone,” stated Warden Kelly Linton in a press release that noted all residents at the home who want the vaccine have now been vaccinated.
“Ninety-five per cent of Wellington Terrace residents have now been vaccinated. I want to thank Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph-Public Health and the amazing staff at Wellington Terrace for assisting in this effort.”
Linton added, “We all need to remain vigilant and continue to follow all public health guidance. The vaccine is a step in the right direction but COVID-19 is still circulating in our community.”
Wellington Terrace administrator Suzanne Dronick said, the Moderna vaccine “adds a layer of defence to our continued effort to keep our residents and employees safe.
“We will continue to follow extensive infection control processes that follow Ministry of Health directives and are guided by Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.”
Also on Feb. 8, the facility-wide outbreak at Wellington Terrace, which began on Dec. 12, was declared over.
All Wellington Terrace employees are tested every seven days as per Ministry of Health directives, officials say, and residents showing “even the slightest evidence of a health change” are “immediately tested for COVID-19.”
To date, there have not been any positive cases in the resident population.

Registered nurse Carly Taylor administers the Moderna vaccine to Wellington Terrace resident Bruce Tupling. Submitted photo