Wellington Pregnancy Care Centre offers free diapers, wipes for moms in need

FERGUS – The Wellington Pregnancy Care Centre (WPCC) is offering a free sleeve of diapers and wipes to moms in need.

“With the rising cost of living and housing, mothers and caregivers of little ones really could use all the help we can give them,” says executive director Joanne Pronk in a press release.

The program is intended for low-income families in Wellington County.

Since opening its doors in 2017, the Wellington Pregnancy Care Centre has been the most comprehensive local resource for women facing an unexpected pregnancy and those struggling to care for an infant. 

Working together with maternity homes, social services and local physicians in Wellington County, WPCC provides compassion, support and hope.

“We have noticed an increase in need and as a result, we initiated this program,” Pronk said.

In addition to free diapers and wipes, the agency also has a Care Closet that is open every Wednesday between 10am and noon which offers gently used baby clothes, maternity wear, and baby furniture and strollers. 

“Our community is very generous which allows us to offer all items and services free of charge and we hope many moms and other caregivers take advantage of these resources,” Pronk added.

WPCC received a grant from the Township of Centre Wellington to provide clients with a new car seat at no cost. 

Anyone who would like to participate in the diaper program or visit the Care Closet for supplies or a car seat, can call or text the Centre at  519-362-4167.