Wellington North to hold two public meetings for community growth plan

Wellington North is a step closer to the completion of its community growth plan.

Economic development officer Dale Small provided an update to council on Jan. 8 that included growth goals for 2041.

In early 2017, council embarked on the process to complete a community growth plan to provide direction for future land development and to plan for “positive” growth in the township.

Small brought to council  for approval the 2041 community vision for growth and growth management goals set by a steering committee.

The 2041 community vision states a high quality of life in Wellington North is supported and defined by:

– sense of community;

– range of housing, jobs and services;

– strong and diverse economy;

– healthy environments;

– cost-effective infrastructure, facilities and services;

– safe and efficient transportation routes and options; and

– a small-town atmosphere.

 The growth management goals include:

– direct and focus development;

– plan for orderly, compact and appropriate development; and

– to have growth pay for itself.

The final report will be presented at a public information meeting later this month.

Councillor Lisa Hern asked to have two public meetings, one in each community, due to winter weather woes.

“The growth of our community is too important; we shouldn’t isolate either town from people able to come to a public meeting,” she said.

Small said two meetings is a good idea, adding it should affect the presentation to council from GSP Group set for Feb. 26.

Councillor Steve McCabe welcomed more public meetings.

“I think it gives the township, but more importantly the good citizens and business of our township, ownership of this,” he said.

Mayor Andy Lennox said more public input will allow it to be a workable document.

“We want this to be right, because if we’re following this plan, it’s going to have implications on our planning decisions, our servicing decision, our financial decisions for the future,” he said.

Council unanimously approved the 2041 community vision for growth and growth management goals.

The public information meetings are on:

– Jan. 24 from 7 to 8:30pm in the leisure room at the Mount Forest and District Sports Complex; and

– Jan. 31 from 7 to 8:30pm in the upper hall at the Arthur and Area Community Centre.
