Wellington North budget process still underway

While many municipalities have their budgets long approved, Well­ington North’s is still a work in progress.

On Monday night, Mayor Mike Broomhead and finance chairman Dan Yake told council of progress so far.

This is Yake’s first year as finance chairman, a post previously held by Ross Chaulk, an accountant by trade. Yake said there was a good meeting on the previous Friday.

“There’s a few more adjustments to make,” and Yake and the treasurer plan to go over it again this week. Once that is done, he said it will go back to councillors for more review.

“I know other municipalities have got theirs done, but with me, there was a bit of a learning curve this year. It’s taken a bit longer to get that done.” He hoped it would only be another week or so before it comes to council for approval.


