Wellington Active transportation plans continue

Active transportation efforts in Wellington County continue to march ahead.

County wide efforts to increase trailways, bike paths and other means of human transportation are being considered and reviewed, in preparation for a June 14 presentation to political representatives across the county.

On May 2, Puslinch councillor Wayne Stokley told council of his council on one approach to take an even closer look at the municipal level.

Stokley said, “We have the opportunity to have a co-op student involved in this program.”

Each of the municipalities can obtain a student to review how a specific area of the municipality is used in terms of the numbers and traffic flow.

Stokley said his preference would be that the student consider the Puslinch Tract.

“That is an area which I’m aware is used quite a bit,” he said.

The review would let council know how many people are really using it and if they are walking, biking, or just walking their dog. That information would come to council.

Stokley added council might be aware that there will be a special meeting of Wellington County where all the councillors will be invited to see a presentation “on where we stand right now on active transportation.”

The meeting is June 14, 7pm at the Grand Theatre in Fergus.

“I hope you all come to that meeting as well as councillors from the other municipalities.”

In August 2010, county council supported participation in the development of the county-wide active transportation plan.

The planning involves the county, local municipalities and the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit. The community consultation process is almost complete.

An on-line questionnaire has been live since mid-August and asks residents and visitors what they would like to see in the community with respect to Active Transportation. The questionnaire link is: www.surveymonkey.com/wellington questionnaires.

The final plan will be forward to all councils this fall for approval.
