WEB ONLY: March break at Guelph museum has an Egyptian focus

There will be plenty of activities to keep fam­i­lies entertained at Guelph Civic Museum during March Break fun week, March 16 to 20.

New this year for that week only, the museum will be ex­tending its hours with an earlier opening time of 10am and closing at 5pm. The theme this year is Ancient Egypt, which features the Royal Ontario Mu­seum travelling exhibit Egypt, Gift of the Nile.

Families can see the daily them­es, and special guests and dem­onstrations planned for the week. On Monday, Dress like an Egyptian and find out how linen is produced with Norma Goring from the Guelph Guild of Weavers and Spinners.

On Tuesday, it is Egyptian Creat­ures, highlighted with a visit from Hamilton Reptiles. Music and Dance will be ex­plored on Wednesday with Egyp­tian dancer Ishra.

On Thursday, Chris Gohm, an expert on Egyptian history from Wilfrid Laurier Univer­sity will talk about the Arch­aeo­logy of Ancient Egypt, and on Friday, learn about papyrus and how paper is made.

Dem­onstrations are sched­uled for 11am and 2pm every day. Regu­lar admission applies.

Egypt, Gift of the Nile closes on March 29.

The Guelph Civic Museum is located at 6 Dublin Street South. Contact Guelph Muse­ums at 836-1221 or visit: guelph.ca/museum.



