WEB ONLY: Details of Indian mission trip shared at Alma WI meeting

“Your favourite vacation” was the theme for the January meeting of the Alma Women’s Institute.

President Lenora Arbuckle gave a power point presentation on a recent mission trip to India, and she was wearing the appropriate dress for the occasion.

The area Arbuckle traveled in was not where the four-star hotels are located. She saw much poverty and many children without much to work with in small schools. The hospitals were also poorly furnished. There were several souvenirs from India on display – beautiful silk stoles, jewellery, and a carved wooden elephant.

The roll call was answered by all present telling of their favourite vacation spot. The list included Grand Cayman, Aus­tralia, Alaska, Greece, Panama Canal, Las Vegas, Newfound­land and Labrador and British Columbia. Many had pictures to show of those places.

A donation of money was sent to Canada Comforts to provide craft supplies for several hundred orphaned children.

Members reported their volunteer hours.

We were also happy to hear the new Regional Board Director for the Guelph area will be Ruth Jones, of New Hamburg, a member of the New Dundee WI.

Enid Whale and Helen Moffatt served a delicious and nutritious lunch.

Submitted by Pat Salter

