Watson Road speeds discussion deferred

A request for speed reductions on Watson Road South is on the back burner until June, when road speeds at that location and others can be looked at in a comprehensive manner.

Resident Ruth Slater wrote, “I live on Watson Road South between Road 34 and Road 36.

“Due to speeding vehicles on a road that has many hills, curves, hidden entrances, bike riders and walkers, I am requesting a posted speed reduction to 60km from the current 80km in this zone; in order to prevent an accident waiting to happen.”

Councillor Ken Roth suggested the matter be left to the discretion of the manager of public works.

Councillor Matthew Bulmer noted council had an upcoming meeting in June in regard to speed limits and the application of TAC (Transportation Association of Canada) guidelines.

“Perhaps we could put this on the agenda for that meeting … so we can deal with the (issue) holistically … along with all the other speed limits,” Bulmer suggested.

Mayor Dennis Lever agreed, stating, “In the past we had referred to TAC, which only dealt with changes of up to 10km/h.”

Councillors Susan Fielding and John Sepulis agreed with the approach.

