Vision Theatre auditions set June 26 and 28

Visions Theatre Productions will hold auditions June  at 151 St. David Street here on June 26 from 1 to 5pm and June 28 from 7 to 10pm.

The company is performing A Christmas Story.

Anyone interested in trying for a role can call 519-993-2319 to book an audition time.

The play is about 9-year-old Ralph “Ralphie” Parker, who wants only one thing for Christmas: a Red Ryder BB Gun with a compass in the stock, and “this thing that tells time.”

While using various schemes to convince his parents to get him that gift, he continually bumps into objections from others who say, “You’ll shoot your eye out.”

The company is seeking men, women and youth. The characters include: Ralph as adult (the storyteller), Ralphie Parker, a mother, the old man, Randy (a little brother), Miss Shields (a teacher) Flick and Schwartz, Esther Jane, Helen Weathers (all classmates),  and bully Scut Farkas.

A script preview available at Google Books (search the term – A Christmas Story).

