Videos address homelessness

WELLINGTON COUNTY – Oak Tree Project founders are dedicating “Oak Tree 7” to generate conversations and build awareness about solutions to homelessness in Guelph and Wellington County.

“The biggest challenge our eyes have been opened to since March 2020 is homelessness,” stated Oak Tree project lead Will Mactaggart in a press release.

Oak Tree cofounder Mike Hryn stated the team spent a year connecting with community leaders to understand the complex issue.

“We have been listening to their stories, challenging our perceptions and unlearning some of the things we thought we knew,” Hryn stated. 

The big takeaway: homelessness is about individuals, not numbers. And so, Oak Tree’s seventh project is taking on a different approach this year – sharing stories from experts and community members who have knowledge, experience and solutions to offer around the topic of homelessness.

The project, started in 2014 by The Mactaggart Hryn Team from Richardson Wealth, teamed with Ward 1 Studios to produce five videos capturing conversations exploring homelessness in the community and are available for viewing at