USCO holds meeting in Harriston

United Seniors Club of Ontario (USCO) Zone 33 president Brian Baldwin welcomed 45 members and guests to the group’s Zone 33 Spring Rally held on June 8 at the Harriston-Minto Community Centre.

Ron Shelley offered a meditation regarding being your brothers’ keeper suggesting everyone has talents to show and share for the betterment of mankind.

Mayor George Bridge praised seniors for all they do in the community. He extended an invitation to join in the Canada Packers celebration and hoped everyone would take time to view the ice-cream cone creations and place a vote for their favourite.

Baldwin believes the zone is financially stable, although four of eight clubs were lost last year. Steps to encourage new members will need to be taken. A planning meeting for the next zone rally in Howick will be hosted by the Clifford Merry Makers.

Each club gave a report on their  activities for the past year – the Harriston 55 Plus Club, Clifford Merry Makers, Howick Seniors, and Wingham Seniors Happy Gang. Clifford won the attendance award with 73 per cent.

USCO board member Marie Smith of Orillia delivered an information-packed presentation that will be printed in a future edition of The Voice. She outlined the extent of damage to the office from the ice storm. In August, 43 zones will meet for the convention celebrating the 60th anniversary. Fifty resolutions will be discussed. She mentioned rallying support for free flu vaccines, dental care, reductions in car insurance, bike safety, long term care, affordable housing, seat belts on buses, and security for mobile modular homes.

Smith left everyone with thoughts on planting a garden with peace of mind, heart, and soul, and squashing rumours and negativity.

Shelley paid tribute to those who were part of the club, who have worn many hats, and who are dearly missed: Eleonora Munnik from Clifford, Jean Sothern from Howick, and Mildred McClenaghan from Wingham.

Grace was sung before everyone enjoyed a luncheon of salads with cake for dessert prepared and served by ladies from the Harriston Legion.

   Paul Haslem of Fordwich entertained the crowd with therapeutic music played on a hammered dulcimer, a percussion stringed instrument he considers a manual primitive piano. He focuses on providing therapeutic music to enhance patient care. Paul can be reached at 519-998-8346 or

Smith installed the executive: president Brian Baldwin, vice-president Edna Fairles, secretary David Wall, treasurer Anne Laidlaw, book examiners Norm Fairles and Doug Anderson, and convention delegate Brian Baldwin, leaving a field representative still to be chosen.

Ticket holders had a chance to win a geranium, gift certificates, a wheel barrel planter, wine and items for the garden. The 50/50 draw was won by Marie Smith. The other $55 will be donated along with a zone donation of $100 to the USCO ice damage fund.

Smith encouraged everyone to stay mentally and socially active and to encourage other seniors to join.
