Uke Club hosts informal gathering Feb. 23

A newly formed Uke Club will host its second gathering on Feb. 23, at 1pm.

Musicians are invited to bring their uke and join in the informal group session.

At the initial Jan. 26 meeting, 16 participants took part, sharing simple tunes, and had the opportunity to meet local celebrity Ian Reid who stopped in to perform and lead others in his song “Starfish.”

Interested parties of all ages and skill levels are invited to get together in a song circle to celebrate an instrument that is easy (especially to play and sing at the same time), portable, and fun.

The Uke Club meets at the L&M Guelph at 30 Arrow Rd (at Woodlawn), and will be hosted by Gayle Ackroyd.

Seating is limited. To RSVP email to or by phone at 519-763-6709.  A small fee of $6 will be requested of attendees.

For more information, contact Kim Logue at Long & McQuade at 519-763-6709.
