The completion of the downtown revitalization project in Drayton is expected to cost about $411,800.
In a report to council on Tuesday, Clerk Patty Sinnamon said council has approved $100,000 for the project in this year’s budget, with an additional $20,000 available in reserves.
She has submitted two funding applications to help cover the costs – one under the Rural Economic Development program of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and the other under the federal government’s Community Adjustment Fund (CAF). As a condition of the latter funding, work must be completed by next April.
“There will need to be a strong focus on this project to meet the deadlines set by the upper tiers,” Sinnamon said in her report.
A meeting between Hydro One and the township’s engineers was scheduled for this week and Sinnamon has obtained pricing for many items. She said township staff will work with a landscape designer on a design for the placement of plants, shrubs and trees in the area of the municipal parking lot.
She also noted sidewalk work – about $120,000 worth – will need to be coordinated with the capital upgrades at the Drayton Festival Theatre, which include accessibility improvements.
In addition to the sidewalk work, estimated costs for the revitalization project include:
– $3,600 for three waste receptacles;
– $4,000 for the design work for planting beds and green space;
– $7,200 for three wrought iron benches;
– $10,000 to plant beds, plants, trees and shrubs for green space;
– $12,000 for decorative fencing around the planting bed, near the municipal lot;
– $15,000 for street signs, directional signs and Drayton signs;
– $20,000 for eight wrought iron planter boxes;
– $26,000 for an illuminated community sign with electronic messaging to promote community events;
– $34,000 for banners, including decorative brackets, arms and four designs; and
– $160,000 for street lighting, including electrical engineering, poles, arms, lighting and attachments.
Sinnamon also noted the Drayton Rotary Club will contribute $11,000 towards signage, and has been included as a “community partner” on the CAF application.
The Kinsmen Club of Drayton will contribute towards the cost of the illuminated sign and the township will hold discussions with the theatre about helping out with the cost of the banner campaign.
One requirement of the funding programs is a resolution stating council is in favour of the applications.
Council’s decision was not known by press time.