Township plans cuts in water, sewer rates

Two weeks after proposing a 10% increase in the water and sewer rates in Moorefield, council proposed a slight decrease in both rates for Drayton homeowners.

At its last meeting in July councillors discussed a report from Finance Director Mike Given that recommended lowering both the water and sewer rates in Drayton by about 3%.

Current rates in the village are $35.18 for water and $30.98 for sewer, for a monthly bill of $66.16 and annual cost of about $794. The rates proposed by Givens are $34.28 for water and $30.18 for sewer, equal to $64.46 for the month and about $773 for the year.

The reduced rates will bring costs for Drayton homeowners closer to those proposed for Moorefield homes – $62.30 monthly and $757 for the year.

But councillors Jim Curry and Dennis Craven said they’re worried about lowering the rates. If the township is lowering the rates this year it better make sure it’s not raising them next year, Craven said, noting the rates can’t keep going up and down.

Givens replied the township is supposed to review its rates every 12 to 18 months anyhow to determine the correct charge.

Councillor Mike Downey said water and sewer rates are based on cost recovery, meaning the township can’t make money on them. He added that if the lower rates are sufficient to cover expenses, then that’s exactly what they should be.

When it came time to vote on a resolution to receive Givens’ report, Curry and Cra­ven were opposed, but the resolution passed on the support of Downey, councillor Bruce Whale, and Mayor John Green.


