Township approves OPP lease agreement

Wellington North councillor Andy Lennox is not prepared to shut the door on the possible sale of the former Sacred Heart school here.

The township bought the school in 2010 for $193,000 and has been renting the facility to the OPP for about $19,900 annually. The OPP has been using it as a training centre.

Lennox, chair of the township finance committee, has been pushing for council to sell off properties it is not using and put the money into projects such as road and bridge repairs in a bid to reduce township debt.

At its Jan. 28 meeting council received a report on the rental agreement from chief administrative officer Lori Heinbuch. She noted the OPP is willing to pay for roof repairs, estimated between $50,000 and $75,000, provided a five-year lease is signed. As part of the arrangement the OPP or township can terminate the lease with a six-month notice.

“The OPP would like to stay at this location and is willing to pay for the main roof and gym roof … if the following terms are negotiated into the lease,” Heinbuch said.

Those terms include the five-year lease.

Lennox said the township should include a clause in the lease that would allow it to transfer the rental agreement to a potential purchaser of the building and the three residential lots at the rear.

He said any buyer could build on the three lots, increasing the value of the property, should the township decide to sell.

Despite the rental income, Lennox estimated the property represents a $5,000 annual loss for the township.

Mayor Ray Tout said the OPP has been a good tenant.

“We have a good tenant and they’re looking to invest in it,” he said.

Lennox said the fact the OPP is a good tenant could improve the sale potential of the property.

Heinbuch said the Catholic school board had the property up for sale for about 10 years before the township bought it.

Council decided to renew its lease with the OPP.
