Towns Caressant Care honours volunteers

Activity co-ordinator Audrey Domm welcomed 55 people to the volunteer appreciation luncheon held April 18 at Caressant Care in Harriston.

Domm remarked that the celebration honours all the volunteers whose passion leads to action that has a positive impact on the residents

Pastor Doug Bott shared a blessing before everyone enjoyed a luncheon.

Each person received a gift wrapped hand sanitizer with the motto, giving health a helping hand. Others were fortunate to win the door prize draws.

Victoria Waltham from the Infection Control department discussed tuberculosis surveillance protocols for volunteers and the need for volunteers who are in direct contact with the residents to be tested for T.B.

Guest speaker resident Verdella Stere recounted her life story with the aid of her sister Evelyn Klages, beginning with her birth in a log cabin near Paisley in 1932.

Stere’s humourous tales included awe inspiring moments as an educator and pilot, misadventures as a world traveller during war time challenges, vibrant memories of quaint tourist destinations, and private memoirs of a cancer survivor.

In 2009, Stere moved to Caressant Care as a direct result of the paralyzing effects of a stroke. She believes her purpose now is to live life to the fullest each and every day.

Administrator Lynn Jamieson presented Stere with a gift, as well as a Lifetime Achievement award in recognition of celebrating the significant contributions of extraordinary people.

Mary and Barrie Auger of Clifford were nominated and were to be honoured for their 20 years of dedicated service at a ceremony in Kitchener.

Jamieson shared a story from the second ‘Book of Awesome’ about how incredible it really feels to uncover your spring jacket and discover wonderful treasures in the pockets that remind you of friends and good times past.

Domm asked everyone to complete their volunteer audit that assists the staff in identifying any concerns or new ideas to try.  

The Sunshine Tea and Bazaar in May is next on the agenda for the volunteers, as well as a shopping trip to Hanover in June.
