Town councillors ponder remuneration review

 Councillors here may be getting paid more to act on behalf of the municipality.

On July 17, council reviewed a recommendation that council direct staff, including the treasurer and acting town manager, to undertake a review of the current council remuneration bylaw.

Such a review could result in the extension of the per diem and special meeting rates to other council duties, and would also clarify mileage compensation.

The report from finance director Sharon Marshall stated the current bylaw dates back to 2007. Since then annual salaries have been updated, as have amounts paid for mileage.

“At the request of all councillors and the mayor, it was suggested to me that council may want to consider changes to the remuneration bylaw.

“They would like to extend the ‘per diem’ rate to cover other work performed by them when acting on town-related business (in addition to the workshops and conferences already covered in the bylaw).”

Marshall noted the definition and terms for compensation are quite specific within the current bylaw.

She suggested staff look at other municipal remuneration bylaws for comparison and report back.

Councillor Barb Tocher said the bylaw needs updating in regard to changes made to the personnel policy.

“They are in contravention of each other right at the moment,” Tocher said.

No other discussion was held by councillors prior to directing staff to undertake the review of the current council remuneration bylaw.
