Time to remember

Shortly veterans will take a stroll to their local cenotaph.

As their numbers dwindle, so do the crowds, as relatives who joined in the march to see Uncle Jim or Aunt Sadie walk in the parade no longer have a relative to salute. Every year we are one step removed from the wars that were to end all wars.

This does not mean people should not attend. We should all continue to gather in honour of sacrifices made so we can be free in Canada.

Of course, there have been numerous conflicts since then. Latterly soldiers have returned from Afghanistan, some having made the ultimate sacrifice and others suffering trauma from what they bore witness to.

Those veterans should be honoured too, having sacrificed their health and well-being in service of Canada.

The prospect of wars and conflicts remain a problem for the world today. Despite a plethora of examples worldwide about the ravages of war and how little is gained by starting a conflict, Canada remains at the ready when called upon. Of that we can be proud, but at the same time wary that our call to arms is just and deserved. Any time a repressive regime tramples on its most vulnerable, free countries have a moral obligation to do what they can for victims of barbarity.

Diplomacy is of course the first choice for resolving issues, but in certain parts of the world, talking holds little sway. Radicalism, as witnessed in terrorist activities or rhetorical episodes captured on film calling people to take up arms against the west, should concern us. It is a scary world out there, kept safer by calm heads in our diplomatic corps.

Wear your poppy with pride this week, march with purpose if you can and remember the fallen.
