Three strikes, out!

This winter’s white stuff came down in unlimited drifts, and this spring’s clouds of blackfly population have exploded beyond belief.

There is surely no colour discrimination when numbers are counted.  But the lingering snow has just left, and I hope that the blackfly problem will do likewise.

That leaves me with only one more strike in order to clear up the mood that I have been in lately. And I am talking, folks, about the present political campaign.

Never before have I become so annoyed by the political lip spewing that I see and hear on TV. It bugs me to the extent that I no longer enjoy watching the news.

The fact is, those throwing up their mud-slinging opinions are the very ones who should be looking in the mirrors and realizing that they are, without doubt, looking part and parcel at the one totally responsible for the mess that government has become.

Whatever happened to honesty, integrity, reality, visibility and common sense? What is the point of creating jobs if the jobs created serve no purpose? What is the point of building a false security that only pulls more dollars from the taxpayer’s pocket? Anything, rational or not, as well as every government promise, must come from the pockets of the taxpayer.

More, more and more is certainly not better. Whatever happened to “make do with what you got?”

Whatever happened to apprenticeships where the minimum wage was stair-stepped up as the worker progressed, not demanded by government legislation?

Whatever happened to the sharing of the work week where a two-, three-, or four-day workweek was implemented, affording no layoffs, while the economy slumbered? This assured the employee’s family had at least enough money to put groceries on the table.

Is it not time that governments stop meddling with private enterprise?  Jobs have been lost in untold numbers by the restrictions imposed by both power-seeking unions and government    intervention.

When are they going to wake up to reality? Release the common everyday man from high taxes and unreasonable restrictions, and the problems of this country, including employment, will undoubtedly equalize.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: what we need in government is a clean sweep.

You as an individual, as a voter, can do that by getting out and voting for the party that wants to get back to the basics. That party is none other than the Green Party.

 Should I agree with you disagreeing, then both of us would certainly be wrong!                                                

Take care, ’cause we care.



Barrie Hopkins
