Technical meeting only

While councillors are not excluded from development review meetings, Mayor Dennis Lever has made it clear that those are technical – not political – meetings.

The issue arose June 15 about a fill application for the Martinello Pit.

Councillor Ken Roth said the Grand River Conservation Authority wanted to know how the township wants to proceed and if the issue should be discussed at a coming development review meeting.

Roth asked if the meeting was being held in the council chambers.

Mayor Dennis Lever explained development review meetings are in the fire hall.

He said “They’re really technical meetings – non-political meetings,” covering issues such as hydrogeologic, engineering, and planning matters.

“In the city, it would be the equivalent of a meeting with the various departments, but we don’t have enough staff for all of those departments. The idea is to bring them together at these meetings to discuss any technical issues.”

He said if Roth wished to attend, he could – to watch.

“But it is not a political participation meeting.”


