Summer Theatre fundraises for HVAC system in Ennotville Historical Library

ENNOTVILLE – Grinder Productions will be performing a weekend of short plays called It’s Too Hot in Here!  as a fundraiser a new heating and air conditioning system in the library. 

The Ennotville Historical Library has been at the heart of the community since 1847, and its current heating system is approaching the end of its intended lifespan. 

In January 2022, the library’s board of directors began the search for something new. 

The board hopes to purchase a heat pump system – one that will provide adequate warmth during the winter, as well as partial cooling in the summer. 

Grinder Productions, as a long-time rental client of the Library, has eagerly stepped forward to produce a weekend of one-act plays at the library to raise funds for the new system. 

Weekend plays

The plays will take place on July 14 and 15 at the library.

The plays themselves have been pulled from a book found on the library’s own shelves, and are a mix of comedies and dramas from the early years of the 20th century, when the Ennotville Library was at its peak as a Sunday school, mechanic’s institute, and community gathering place. 

Today the library is going through a renaissance of sorts, with growing interest in its history, and increasing usage as a community rental facility, and so an upgrade to the building’s HVAC system is both badly needed and a welcome relief to summer rentals, when it often really is “Too Hot in Here!”

Tickets are $35, and are available on Eventbrite, or by phone at 226-820-5285.

To purchase tickets online visit

For more information, contact Eric Goudie at 226-820-5285 or by email at