Students planted 1,000 trees

On May 14, two classes of the Community Environ­mental Leadership Program (CELP) of the Upper Grand District School Board planting 1,000 trees to carbon offset their daily bus run to Eden Mills.

The event is running for its second time in one school year.   The work is in consultation with the Carbon Neutral Group in Eden Mills and the Welling­ton County Green Legacy pro­gram. The group reached the calculation at 1,000 trees per semester.

Teacher Michael Elrick said, “The most exciting part about this initiative is that it is being led by our bus driver, Darryl Nichol, of First Student bus lines.  Darryl has been the energy driving this from the start.”

The trees were planted on Arkell Road between Arkell and Eden Mills, across from Starkey Hills in Puslinch Town­ship.

Nichol said, “I’m particu­larly excited about this planting because of its location.  I drive by it everyday with my CELP students and both they and I will get the chance to see the trees grow over time.”



