Strengthening Family workshop begins Oct. 22

Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth (SFPY) is an evidence-based program designed for families with youth between the ages of 12 and 16.

Research has shown that this program:

– increases youth resilience and life skills

– increases positive and effective parenting

– increases family communication, stability and support

– reduces the risk of substance use problems, depression, violence, delinquency and school failure for adolescents.

The program begins with a free meal, followed by an engaging session for parents and the youth.  

Free child care is provided on-site, and assistance with transportation can also be arranged.

The new series of SFPY will begin in Mount Forest at Wellington Heights Secondary School, starting on Oct.22.

The program runs once a week for nine weeks, and will take place on Mondays from 5pm to 7:30pm.

 An information session will also be held at Wellington Heights Secondary School on Oct. 15 at 5pm to help families learn about the program.

 There is no cost to attend the program and all families are welcome.  Space is limited.

The workshops are provided by the Guelph Community Health Centre.

For more information, or to register, contact Jacquie Gallivan at 519-821-6638 at extension 402 or via email at
