Stella O”™Krafka named Puslinch Volunteer of the Year

Stella O’Krafka is the 2017 Puslinch Volunteer of the Year.

O’Krafka was presented the award on April 19 in the township council chamber by Mayor Dennis Lever.

“It is my great pleasure to introduce our first delegation for the night,” Lever said as he asked O’Krafka to come forward.

“Stella is our volunteer appreciation award winner recipient .. (she) has been performing outstanding public service … for some time,” Lever said.

She has dedicated her time to the Puslinch Pioneer for the past 11 years, filling roles that range from layout and design, to acting as treasurer to helping with distribution.

“Stella’s enthusiasm and devotion is an asset to our community,” Lever said.

In her current role, as the church community notices and circulation contact, O’Krafka was nominated by her peers at the Puslinch Pioneer “for being a self-sacrificing colleague.”

Aside from being a valuable member of the Puslinch Pioneer team, O’Krafka acts as hostess at the Ted Wake  lounge at the Johnson Centre for Seniors and undertakes accounting duties for the Hespeler Heritage Centre.

“Stella has demonstrated an impressive contribution to our township,” said Lever.

“On behalf of the township, we extend our gratitude for the services you provide to enrich our community.

“Your selfless commitment to others is an inspiration to all of us.”
