Speaker at Seniors”™ Centre for Excellence event offers dementia warning signs

Seniors’ Centre for Excellence program coordinator Helen Edwards welcomed close to 40 seniors to a Lunch and Learn program on July 20 at Knox United Church in Clifford.

Public education coordinator Robin Smart of the Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington shared a number of pamphlets and a video on Alzheimer’s.

As she discussed the 10 warning signs of dementia and what to do about them, a better understanding of the disease took shape. People could identify with the signs or knew someone who was presenting some of the symptoms of dementia.

Alzheimer disease is most common in women. There are any number of underlying causes, but anyone worried about their health should contact a doctor.

Confusion could be caused by a thyroid deficiency, medication, illness or infection, and may not necessarily be dementia.

Smart advised the group to remember it is normal to forget, but also to keep in mind these 10 warning signs of dementia:

1. Memory loss that affects day-to-day abilities, recent memories forgotten;

2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks, like frying eggs;

3. Problems with language, finding the right word;

4. Disorientation in time and space, not knowing how to get home;

5. Impaired judgement such as not wearing a coat on a cold winter’s day;

6. Problems with abstract thinking, numbers don’t make sense making balancing a cheque book difficult;

7. Misplacing things, finding lost items in peculiar places;

8. Changes in mood and behaviour, mood swings from calm to tears for no apparent reason;

9. Changes in personality, acting out of character; and

10. Loss of initiative, disengaging from life and needing cues and prompting to clean their home.

Smart recommended keeping the brain active and healthy by eating “heart smart,” exercising, attending social events and stimulating the brain with new interests.

Ask for help and contact the Alzheimer Society for further information at asww@alzheimerww.ca or in Guelph at 519-836-7672.  

To reserve a spot at the next Lunch and Learn in Clifford call 519-638-1000.
