Seniors drama group continues to be a hit at Victoria Park Seniors Centre

If passersby heard fits of laughter erupting from inside the Victoria Park Seniors Centre last month, it’s because the active community there likes to have a good time,  as evidenced during a recent production of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Members of the community joined residents of Pine Meadows, a retirement  community, and members of the seniors centre to form a drama group.

“It’s fun,” said Bernice Nelson, who portrayed the role of Olive, the mischievous woman who sold Jack his so-called magic beans. “We’ve done Snow White, Cinderella, and maybe four or five other plays.”

Actors helped build stage sets, costume design and props to engage and entertain the older-adult audience.

The group’s final production was a comedic and often improvised rendition of the old fable, presented to an audience for a free-will offering, with proceeds to the centre’s choir group and other special events.

The audience, members of the centre, were encouraged to participate by joining in song or shouting out to the performers.

Produced and directed by Joan Brownlow, the drama troupe is a group of volunteers who just enjoy putting on a good show.

“We just get together and have fun,” Brownlow said of the group that began four years ago through the centre.

“It’s evolved over the years and different people have joined,” Brownlow said of the cast, which includes her spouse David, who gave the audience an outrageous portrayal of the grumpy Giant, complete with a mop for a headdress.

Music was provided by pianist Elaine Boyes, from Pine Meadows.

Brownlow said that while this production will be her last play with the group – she plans to retire her directorship – she has fond memories of working with the volunteer actors and seeing the reaction on the faces of audience members.

“It’s just been great working with the cast and the fun we have in rehearsals, and the culmination of it all,” said Brownlow. “It’s about making people laugh.”

And laugh they did.

The Victoria Seniors Centre, located at 150 Albert Street, has a full line-up of events for older adults. For more information contact 519- 787-1814.
