School surpassed target for Terry Fox Run

On Sept. 26 at 11:30am, John Black Public School students took part in their Terry Fox Run.

The school hosted a drive this year called Toonies for Terry, in which students were asked to each bring in a toonie for Fox’s fight against cancer.

School, organizers set a goal of $700 (a toonie per child) and the students were able to far surpass that goal.

For meeting the goal, teachers offered to have a teacher-only wacky hair day on Oct. 3. The students raised $1,180, far surpassing their goal. Students were motivated to do more excellent acts of community service when they saw their teachers with dyed, decorated, and even shaved heads.

As well, principal Bruce Davies  offered to have one stud­ent chosen by draw from the highest fundraising class throw a pie in his face. Mrs. Alessio’s grade 6 class raised $300 themselves and raised the most per capita in the school.  Student Jadah Pownall, was chosen by draw on Friday to throw a pie at the principal in front of the whole school at an assembly at 9:30am while the teachers showed off their wacky hair-dos.

The staff and students are excited to have raised almost four times the amount raised last year, and add over $1,100 to the nine year total of $6,043.

School spirit is a-buzz and students have learned that when they try, whether it be in academics or in social causes, they can truly reach higher and more than achieve their goals.

submitted by Jason Boyce



