Sale of industrial land in Palmerston officially approved by Town of Minto

Minto council has approved the sale of just under one acre of Highway Commercial property in the Palmerston Industrial Park for $22,380 to Tim and Michelle Thalen.

The parcel is being sold as a serviced lot, including roadway, water and sewer services, which the town will have to provide before the end of 2014. The road was subject to a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in 2008, and an RFP for engineering design is currently subject to bid with the intention of constructing the road in 2014.

While no details of the type of industry were provided at the Aug. 6 council meeting, the Thalens are proposing a 2,000 square foot building on the property.

A staff report notes the lands are restricted due to Minimum Distance Separation requirements.

CAO Bill White said the purchasers have indicated the property will be used for yet-to-be determined commercial/industrial purposes.
