Rotary hosts Trees and Quackers

The annual ‘Trees and Quackers’ event was held April 28 in the Rotary Park.

Children stopped for a hot dog at the food stand or headed across the covered bridge to the picnic shelter. Clifford and District Horticultural president Vic Palmer and volunteers Barb Harris and Trish Palmer met the children and helped them plant a white spruce seedling.

Youngsters were encouraged to take seedlings home to plant and watch grow.

Duck Race chair Randy Ruetz and his team coaxed 400 yellow rubber ducks into the creek. Rotarians Bruce Kaufman and Phil Baumgarten followed in the canoe freeing any ducks caught in the bushes. The last duck sailed under the finish line winning $75 for Steve Foerster. The first duck won $200 for Blanche Freeman. Other ticket holders won $75: 50th duck, Don Senek; 100th, Irene Judge; 150th, Ken Helwig; 200th, Keith Gray; 250th, Penny Zurbrigg; and 300th duck, Mel Smith.

Many stayed after the race to enjoy pulled pork on a bun, hot dogs, pop, and cups of hot coffee served by Trish Ruetz and Sheila Dickinson. Proceeds support local Rotary projects.

Trees and Quackers is a combined event between the Clifford Rotary Club and Clifford and District Horticultural Society.
